The Law of Cause and Effect Science

The universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect there is a certain cause, just as for every cause there is a certain effect. The key principle in determining cause and effect is to prove that the effects observed in the experiment occurred after the cause. Who you were, who you are today and who you will become tomorrow essentially creates the terms and circumstances of your life and manifests your future before your eyes. In fact, how you react to events, people, and circumstances in your life really determines how you feel on a daily basis – creating a chain of effects that change your destiny every day. Trauma may take place as part of the macrosystem of the universe, as part of a cosmic plane, but that doesn`t mean we don`t have control. Although we cannot control the macrosystem, we can control our response to it. How to internalize your past experiences? Can you walk past it? We can still make meaningful changes in our lives using the microscale by intentionally choosing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We can`t know why so many people experience traumatic events as part of the macro plane, but we can control how we allow this experience to create new effects in our lives on a micro level. Here, another event actually caused the observed effect, not your treatment or manipulation. Most researchers perform a pre-test on a group, administer the treatment, and then measure the post-test results (pre-test-post-test design). If the results are better, it`s easy to assume that the treatment caused the result, but that`s not necessarily the case.

For the results to make sense, a researcher must make causality the first priority, simply because it can have a devastating effect on validity. Most experiments with validity issues can be recorded and provide usable data. An experiment without proven cause and effect, on the other hand, will be virtually useless and a waste of resources. In the physical sciences, such as physics and chemistry, it is quite easy to establish causality because a good experimental design can neutralize all potentially disruptive variables. Sociology, on the other hand, is exceptionally sensitive to problems of causality because individuals and social groups vary so much and are exposed to a variety of external constraints and influences. As a result, the law of cause and effect highlights the idea that success can be modeled if we are aware of what we want. All we have to do is understand what successful people do, and we will be able to do what they do to achieve the success they have achieved in their own lives. If you want to become a successful businessman, ask yourself how you can incorporate good habits into your current lifestyle to feel more like this successful businessman.

Can you go to bed earlier? Waking up earlier? Do you form a morning routine to start your day? Waking up without pressing the snooze function? Time blocks your schedule for the day? Are you changing what you wear to work? Do you behave differently in the office? Find ways to make positive changes in your life, no matter what that means to you, so that you feel you deserve the positive impact. However, the magic number of 100% causal evidence is what every researcher should strive to do to ensure that a group of their colleagues accept the results. The only way to achieve this is to use a solid, well-thought-out experimental design, which often includes pilot studies to determine cause and effect before moving on to a complex and expensive study. This is the grandfather law, the “iron law” of Western thought, of Western philosophy. The relentless search for truth, causal relationships between events, has led to the rise of the West in science, technology, medicine, philosophy and even war for more than 2,000 years. Today, this orientation is the driving force behind technology. We won`t get into the Law of Attraction specifically here. However, the law of cause and effect and some other laws are actually the causes that lead to the effects of the law of attraction. That is, if we are first able to gain an understanding of these laws, it will essentially help us make better use of the Law of Attraction to attract into our lives what we want most. Another example is the idea that because people who eat a lot of extra virgin olive oil live longer, olive oil makes people live longer. While there is some truth to this, you should remember that most regular olive oil consumers also eat a Mediterranean diet, have an active lifestyle, and generally have less stress. These also have a strong influence, so any research program of this type should include studies on the effects of these – which is why a research program is not always a single experience, but often a series of experiments.

One of the greatest threats to the internal validity of the misapplication of cause and effect is the threat of “history.” We are all governed by a chain reaction of events from a single cause. We are all subject to the universal law of cause and effect or effect and cause. In a complex experiment, it is often difficult to isolate and neutralize the influence of confounding variables.