To convert 60% to fraction, we first need to know what percentage and fraction mean. Percentage means the value percent or for every cent, while fraction is a part of an integer or thing. Converting a percentage to a fraction is a two-step process. It includes the following steps. The first step to converting 60% to fraction is to rewrite 60 as p/q, where p and q are both positive integers. Since 60 is a “percentage” (“every 100”), we can divide 60 by 100 to get: Become a pro at converting percentages to fractions by exploring a few examples: 2. How to convert a fraction into its equivalent percentage? Step 2: Simplify the fraction by reducing the method. If a number is in decimal form, we must first convert the number to fraction, and then follow the steps above to convert a fraction to a percentage. Step 1: Note the percentage divided by 100 as follows: By following the steps above, we can convert the 60% into a fraction.
To represent 60% in fraction, we follow the steps indicated: To convert a fractional number to its equivalent percentage, follow these steps: Since the numerator is greater than the denominator, we have an ODD fraction, so we can also express it as a MIXED NUMBER, so 125/100 is also equal to 1 1/4, if expressed as a mixed number. Here, $frac{3}{5}$ can be written as a percentage as: 625/10000 = 1/16 if reduced to the simplest form. Step 1: Multiply the specified fraction by 100 and add the % sign to it. 1. How do I convert the percentage value to its equivalent fraction? To convert 39% to fraction, follow these steps: In this article, we learned the 60% fraction. We also learned the steps to convert a percentage value into its equivalent fraction. A clear understanding of this concept will help you solve sums from several other chapters. Question. Which of the following fractional values corresponds to 60%? The next and final step is to simplify the fraction (if possible) by finding and canceling similar factors: any mathematical number could be written as a fraction. In general, fraction means the part or part of something. For example, $frac{1}{2}$ is 50%, $frac{1}{4}$ is 25%, and so on. If you give half ($frac{1}{2}$) of your chocolates to your best friend, give him 50% of your chocolates.
All fractions can be expressed as a percentage and vice versa. The fractional value of 60% is $frac{3}{5}$. The following sections explain how to write the fraction of 60% and other interesting information about the fractional value of 60%. One of the most common methods of representing numbers, especially in statistics, is to use percentages and fractions. These are often interrelated topics, because after all, fractions and percentages are a way to represent a part of a whole (but for percentages, “sets” are in 100s!). Learn how to convert a percentage value to a fraction in a step-by-step guide. Step 2: Simplify the fraction and write the answer in whole or decimal numbers. It is very easy to convert each percentage value into its equivalent fraction. This process consists of two steps: Step 1. Remove the percentage icon and divide by 100. Can you write the fraction $frac{3}{5}$ as a percentage? It is very easy to write any number or fraction as a percentage.
It is also a two-step process. One thing we teach our students at Thinkster is that there are many ways to solve a math problem. This helps our students think flexibly and non-linearly. Step 2: Multiply the top and bottom by 10 for each number after the decimal point: Our elite math teachers are ready to make your child a math champion! Sign up for our free trial $zero to get started today. Learn more in the examples below or use our explicit calculator above Use our free downloadable resources and learning materials to learn at home. With the personalized attention of elite math teachers, you`ll help your child gain confidence in their math skills. Step 2: $frac{3}{1}$x 20 = $frac{60}{1}$ = 60%. Conversion from fraction to percentage and percentage to fraction. Parents like you are always looking for tips, suggestions and activities to help their child become the best they can be! Learn more from our experienced educators by visiting our blog. Since we have 2 numbers after the decimal point, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100.
Since 39 is an integer, we have no numbers after the decimal point. Thus.
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